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- Times
- NovaLink
- Professional
- NovaLink Professional (NLP)
- version
- 3.1 is quite
- simply the most powerful
- information server software
- package
- available. NLP
- 3.1 unlocks the power of
- your in-house
- information resources by
- (+allowing all users instantaneous access to
- up-to-date
- information and e-mail
- through an easy to use, fully
- (*customizable graphical interface for Mac,
- Windows
- and DOS
- )''users. NovaLink can save time and money
- ( and increase your organizations
- productivity by
- making the latest information
- available to everyone
- who needs it.
- NovaLink offers
- )D!much more than a complete line of
- bulletin board type
- services. Not only can clients
- access electronic
- )D$mail, message forums, file libraries
- including CD-Rom,
- )U databases, real-time conferences
- and chats but
- ):$they can also access public networks
- including the
- )="Internet and Fidonet, perform high
- speed text searches,
- write powerful scripts, gateway
- to popular
- )6!e-mail packages and create custom
- (-applications. Additionally, NovaLink clients
- logon through
- )@!serial, AppleTalk, Communications
- Toolbox, X.25 and
- TCP/IP connections. For a
- (*complete list of features, please see NLP
- Specifications list.
- *!&Now any size organization can benefit
- from the same
- information
- )3%management flexibility widely used on
- such broad services
- as Prodigy, CompuServe,
- ("America Online and GEnie. Today,
- small businesses
- (-and other organizations, using NovaLink, can
- easily
- (1and inexpensively set up a sophisticated private
- (#public on-line information service.
- Helvetica
- " InfoLink
- !Infolink, a wide area networking
- solution,
- O%links multiple NLP servers together,
- O exchange
- messages and keep files and
- information synchronized and
- up-to-date. A
- standard capability built
- into every NovaLink system,
- InfoLink lets you specify
- a regular time interval for
- ")each server to call its "Supervisor" and
- automatically
- update and route e-mail,
- message forums and file
- libraries.
- Distributed Processing
- NovaLink Professional
- can distribute
- server loads among multiple
- computers
- for greater capacity. A single
- Mac Quadra can handle 40-60
- simultaneous
- users (depending on
- connection type). Adding
- additional CPU's gives
- NLP virtually unlimited
- expandability.
- Externals Applications
- P WA
- l 8A
- you can imagine, there are an
- unlimited
- number of uses for NovaLink.
- R External
- )$ applications greatly enhance the
- power and flexibility
- of a NovaLink
- server, because these programs
- can be
- developed to do almost
- anything. For example,
- "#clients can access databases, play
- sophisticated multi
- "+user games or bill users for on-line time.
- An external
- can be designed by anyone
- who can program in C.
- Current externals include
- Accounting (Hobbyist and
- " Professional), new user logon ,
- dial-out, resume,
- Netris and Five Card Draw.
- AppleSearch
- Support
- NovaLink
- enables users to access an
- AppleSearch server
- on-line. Now,
- NovaLink clients can
- conduct powerful
- high speed text
- searches of unstructured
- documents
- with English-like queries. The
- ,AppleSearch server will search the contents
- designated hard disks and CD
- ROM drives on the
- network. When the search
- is completed, AppleSearch
- ranks results
- )5(in order of relevancy. At that time, the
- user has
- )+#the opportunity to view or download
- documents.
- AJA%!T
- 1JA%
- R ( JI2JR
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- R ( JI
- )%#dramatically enhances AppleSearch's
- $connectivity. For example, students
- can connect over
- (the Internet, a customer can logon over
- a standard
- phone line or
- even an employee can access the
- "AppleSearch server over the local
- area network.
- *AppleSearch and NovaLink make remote high
- speed
- &text searches affordable to education
- and small
- companies.
- AppleSearch is a trademark of Apple Computer , Inc.
- NovaScript
- For those
- seeking even more flexibility,
- I#NovaLink Professional provides its
- scripting language,
- NovaScript.
- NovaScript, English-like
- in syntax, can
- fine-tune the performance and
- capabilities
- of your
- )"*server. With NovaScript, for instance, you
- %can allocate certain phone lines (or
- other types of
- connections) to privileged
- callers, restrict specific
- /clients to certain times during the day, write
- powerful
- -surveys, offer alternate user interfaces and
- display
- animated graphics.
- Helvetica
- Gateways
- Times
- Gateways
- )+&greatly enhance the reach and power of
- NovaLink. For example,
- companies who currently
- (CE Software's QuickMail
- can implement a
- NovaLink system and
- continue with business as
- usual. NLP
- )1(is transparent to the end-user. NovaLink
- will automatically retrieve
- and deliver the messages
- ()with enclosures bi-directionally between
- NLP and
- QuickMail. Other gateway
- products include
- MacKennel
- for Fidonet
- access and soon to be
- (0available cc:Mail
- and Microsoft Mail
- Gateways.
- QuickMail is a trademark of CE Software, Inc.
- MacKennel
- (8trademark of Mobius Concepts
- cc:Mail is a tradmark of
- Lotus
- (=Development
- Microsoft Mail is a tradmark of Microsoft Corp.
- Interface Flexibility
- NovaLink Professional
- supports custom graphics,
- ANSI, VT100 and TTY. With
- its virtually unlimited
- flexibility, a system
- operator can design a NovaLink
- server exactly
- )= the way they want. Custom icons,
- (%pictures and sounds are limited only
- by the
- imagination of
- the creator. NovaLink supports
- NovaTerm
- )6$Graphics for Mac users and RIPscrip
- (#for Windows and DOS users. You can
- create graphics
- ("from your favorite draw and paint
- programs, import
- ($clip art or use NovaLink's built-in
- paint program.
- NLP supports more
- than one configuration file, so
- that sysops can
- )@(offer alternate user interfaces to their
- ( clients.
- )(#For conventional terminal programs,
- NovaLink also
- )> supports ANSI, VT100 and TTY, so
- (0that anyone can logon to your server regardless
- platform type.
- RIPscrip is a trademark of TeleGrafix Communications Inc.
- U)@UA\
- Internet Access
- NovaLink
- is your gateway to the world's
- largest
- wide area network, the Internet.
- P NovaLink's MacTCP support means
- anyone using the Internet can
- telnet into
- an NLP
- server. What's more, clients
- "!connected to NovaLink can telnet
- out to other host
- ""systems on the Internet. NovaLink
- Professional 3.1
- supports Internet standards
- for e-mail (SMTP) and
- "$Usenet News Groups (NNTP). NovaLink
- supports UUCP through
- an external gateway.
- " Finally,
- )'$NovaLink provides direct TCP support
- without using
- the Macintosh Communications
- Toolbox. No other
- Macintosh software offers this
- "%range of TCP/IP support. NovaLink is
- your key to
- the Internet.
- Automatic Menu
- Generation
- NovaLink
- )/&Professional automatically generates a
- graphical and command line
- interface. NovaView,
- shown
- )below, is an icon-driven GUI available to
- "&Mac, Windows and DOS users. With NLP,
- creating
- menus are simple. The
- sysop merely drags miniature
- "1icons from a tool palette and drops them into an
- "+folder. Additionally, NovaLink dynamically
- updates
- both the NovaView and
- the command line interface
- "$when changes are made to the server.
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- Connect to the World...
- ,The opportunities for NovaLink Professional
- unlimited.
- )/%NovaLink is flexible and configurable
- #enough to handle any size business
- or organization.
- Aimed at the
- )6'educational, entertainment and business
- *markets, NovaLink Professional represents
- &epitome of information server design.
- NLP allows
- )organization to set up a fully customized
- &graphical communications system- that
- does not
- discriminate by platform type-
- with which teachers,
- students, employees, customers,
- members, suppliers,
- associates, or even friends
- can tie into over a local
- area network, the Internet
- or from remote. With
- NovaLink, setting up
- a powerful information service
- is easy and affordable.
- +In conclusion, NovaLink Professional gives
- users
- easy access to
- )C!all of your information resources
- (regardless
- )-'of network protocol or connection type)
- 2whether located in the same office or anywhere on
- Information Superhighway.
- NovaLink Professional, NovaTerm, InfoLink, NovaView,
- NovaScript
- (are trademarks of ResNova Software, Inc.
- ResNova Software, Inc.
- 5011 Argosy Drive, Suite #13
- Huntington Beach, CA 92649
- Sales: (714)379-9000
- ) Technical Support: (714)379-9015
- Info Server (BBS)- (714)379-9004
- Fax: (714)379-9014
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- Retrospect
- 4 temp.0001
- Pref????
- Sound Preferences
- Robert Tudor
- ResNova Software, Inc.`
- Microsoft Word
- Times
- Helvetica